Choosing the Correct Shoes

For most people, a blistered heel goes away quickly. But for people with diabetes, poor footwear can trigger serious problems, such as foot ulcers, infections, and even amputation. Hence choosing the right shoes to wear is vital for diabetics. Continue reading “Choosing the Correct Shoes”

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is said to be a cure for numerous diseases and troublesome conditions. Most of these claims are not supported by any clinical evidence. It seems, however, that this vinegar may be of use in treating diabetes and related conditions such as obesity, high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. But is it really beneficial? Continue reading “Apple Cider Vinegar”

Food Cravings … Why are they so hard to resist?

Even though I have been beating my diabetes for years by following a healthy diet, I still find that chocolate has an irresistible draw. And some of my siblings are unable to resist cheese of any kind. But why do we crave certain foods? Here’s what I found out through research on the internet. Continue reading “Food Cravings … Why are they so hard to resist?”

The many types of diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. However there are several other types, all of which are really variants of the first two types.  Continue reading “The many types of diabetes”

Alpha-lipoic Acid – Self-experiment (1)

It is claimed that alpha-lipoic acid (aka thioctic acid) can relieve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy from which I suffer. As I could not find reputable clinical reports on the Internet I have begun a self-experiment to find out whether these claims have any substance in fact. Continue reading “Alpha-lipoic Acid – Self-experiment (1)”